Hair Pigmentation Before - During - After Treatment

Hair Pigmentation


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About Hair Pigmentation

Hair Pigment We can also call hair tattoos medical hair pigmentation or tricho pigmentation, used as a more reasonable alternative to hair pigmentations. During the hair tattoo procedure, our experienced professionals will tattoo small dots or strips on the scalp. The method depends on whether the customer has short or long hair. Because of the small hair tattoos your hair will look more thicker optically. This is a solution most of all for those men, who have really sparse hair even at their back of their neck, so the hair pigmentation is not possible for them. In their case, the hair tattoo is the best solution.

We are able to produce convincing aesthetic effects with the hair tattoo at PHAEYDE Clinic. Make sure yourself about our convincing results. Take a look at our hair tattoo before-after pictures and find out more about the medical hair pigmentation, that you can take advantage of in total from 200€ at PHAEYDE Clinic.

Before-During-After Hair Pigmentation

In case you would like to make your hair thicker, there is no need for you to cut your hair too short.If you would like to have shorter hair in the future, please come with your new hair to the procedure.

The treatment is two staged: the first treatment gives the basis for the hair tattoo, then during the second treatment we soften the existing hair pigmentation,to create a perfect aesthetic design. To reach the best possible effect, we advise different methods for different people based on the following:

Hair length from 5 cm: small hairs are going to be tatooed one-by-one between the other hair to increase the thickness of the hair.Hair length until 1-3 mm: small pigment dots will be tattooed between the short hair and on the fully bald area. The pigmentation next to the hair will be successful if it looks natural.In this case, the hair length wont be longer than 5 mm.

After the tricho pigmentation, you need to have a check-up, so that we can check the healing process. For 72 hours after the procedure you have to be away, both externally and internally, from stressful situations. If there is no stressful situation at your work (work with dust, strong sunlight, strong physical exertion), then after the procedure you can work.

What you have to be away from for 72 hours:

  • stressful sport
  • sauna
  • sun-bathing
  • chlorinated water
  • dusty places

After the procedure, you can take care of your scalp with a product called `Cura Post Pigmentazione`,that will keep the pigments and will help the healing process, thanks to its algae extract.

More information about care of the hair tattoo: The tattooed hair's color will stay for app. 2-4 years, after that it will start to fade. The color's ability to last depends on the type of the scalp and how much time the person spends in the sun. If a lot of sun reaches the scalp, the color of the tattoo will start to fade earlier.

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