Why Choose PHAEYDE Clinic?

- Our clinic is unique, because we provide you with special service packages at one place and in one time interval. Thus we offer a considerable amount of various medical services.
- We work together with the most experienced specialists in all areas.
- We help you with a personalized guidance in all case, we prefer your safety first and foremost, so we inform you of the possible risks and contraindications as well.
- We help you to organise all other services, what we do not offer at our clinic.
- On demand we support all moments of your stay: we send you a chauffeauer to the airport, we choose the appropriate hotel for you, besides we provide you with useful information before, during and after the operation.
- We are waiting for you in a modern and clean clinical environment.
- Outstanding experience 1: we have more than 6 years hair transplantation experience.
- Outstanding experience 2: we replaced the hair of more than 2000 clients owing to the FUE, FUE Safe System and S.H.E. methods.
- Precise and punctual construction: until now more than 5.000.000++ transplantated single hairs in the adequate angle, depth, direction and thickness.
- PHAEYDE is a Recommended Clinic for Hair Transplantation by the First Hungarian Hair Transplantation Association FHHTA – EMAHAE.
- We guarantee the most modern hair transplantation procedure, the S.H.E., which gained the PRODUCT OF THE YEAR award in service category in 2013 according to a GFK research based on 2000 people.
- We inform you 100 % authentical about the hair transplantation, on our pages in images as well, but also in words and writing.
- Perfect price value for money: what you pay for your hair transplantation is dwarfed by the result, what you receive. With the fine crop of your hair we give back your self-confidence together.
- 100 % painless intervention: we anaesthetize, ice and refrigerate the anaesthetic as well, thus you feel nothing.
- Free consultation: online, via e-mail, before the intervention personally, and also in the next 10 years.
- Get The Best FUE, FUE Safe system S.H.E. Treatments Available, with the following benefits:
+ Free After Care Products,
+ Free Airport Transfer,
+ Free Accomodation. - High level environment: our clinic is waiting for you in a totally new building, with well-equipped, state-of-the-art equipments from May 2014.
- International standard: our clinic was already chosen by patients from London to Moscow. Men and women from every country except of Monaco, Vatican and Andorra paid honour to our clinic for their hair transplantation.

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You can contact us via the following contact form as well.